Different words and their meaning that you would research on


Different words and their meaning that you would research on

Different words and their meaning

    Welcome to Smartsam59, today we are going to talk about different words and their meanings.

    We will start with

    What is Equivalent?

    Equivalent can be seen as equal in value, meaning, function and others. It can be simply known in our daily language and in also a simple language it means Equal (something been equal).

    Now to another word

    What is Partial?

    Partial means favouring one side in a dispute above the other. It also mean been  friendly to one person and not friendly with the other. E.g you have money and someone you don’t like come to meet you and asks you for some money and you tell the person that you don’t have money. But a girl you like comes and asks you for money you quickly give it to her and make the other person feel very bad. That is Partiality.

    Another word we will talk about it Impartial


    What Is Impartial?

    It means been neutral, treating ever one equal and not been one sided.

    Impartial is the opposite of Partial.

    Another word is godfather

    What is godfather or who is godfather?

    Godfather is a man who presents or sponsors a child at baptism and promises to take responsibility for their religious education.

    What is immortal

    Immortal means living forever; never dying or decaying. An immortal being

    If you are an immortal person you will never die or get old. 


    now you have known different words and their meaning. if you want to know more then visit this site regularly for more updates.

    thanks, if you have any questions to ask then place on the comment section below or contact us 


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