How To Keep Your Hands While Typing
Welcome to this site, I
believe you were searching for “how to keep your hands while typing and wanted
to know how you should type. Well, you are at the right place.
Today I will be teaching
you how to keep your hands on the keyboard while typing.
Many people are still
asking themselves “how can I learn how to type and how can I type faster?”. Am
going to tell you all of that.
First, we should know the
meaning of a keyboard, the types of keyboard, and their function
What is a Keyboard?
In computer terms; A
keyboard can be known as one of the primary input devices used with a computer.
Similar to an electric typewriter, a keyboard is comprised of buttons….
In Dictionary terms: a
keyboard is a panel of keys that operate a computer or typewriter. It is a set of
keys on a piano or similar musical instrument.
Types of keyboard
- Multimedia Keyboard. (any keyboard that has all
multimedia buttons is called a multimedia keyboard). ...
- Mechanical
Keyboard. ...
- Wireless
Keyboard. ...
- Virtual
Keyboard. ...
Keyboard. ...
- Ergonomic
Keyboard. ...
These are the types of
keyboards in computers.
The major keyboard we are going to practice
on is the Wireless Keyboard and the USB Keyboard “. They are almost the same but the wireless does not have
any USB wire connected to it.
Before we start typing we
need to master all the keys and where they are located so when we are typing we
can be able to type without looking at the keyboard.
Now, look at the image
below and keep your hands as shown below
After that practice, it
regularly to know and master the keys.
When you have mastered the
keys you are good to go.
The next this to know how
to type very fast using your ten fingers.
Many people use only two or
three fingers to type, but it is not the right thing to do. You must use all
your then fingers to type and do it very fast.
Also, practice it regularly
to master everything about the keyboard.
Next, is to practice on the
numbering side of the keyboard.
You can also figure out
this part on your own because it is very simple to learn. Just keep your hands
accordingly and you will be perfect in it.
Thanks for viewing this
article, I hope after reading this, you can be able to type perfectly after
going through this lesson.