Grey Jabesi biography (Grey BTC), career, age, education, net worth country of origin, and more.


Who is Grey Jabesi?
Grey Jabesi's Biography and early Life.

    Welcome to Smartsam59, I believe you landed on this website while you were searching for the Biography of Grey Jabesi and other things about him. Am going to give you a brief intro about Grey Jabesi in this article. Below you can learn more and know more about this Grey Jabesi.


    Who is Grey Jabesi?

    Grey Jabesi is a bitcoin influencer, investor, and tech business owner. He is the creator of crypto-university, an online college that provides a variety of courses on blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

    Additionally, he is the creator of the YouTube channel Crypto hardcore, where he regularly uploads videos teaching viewers about cryptocurrency and how to make money with it.

    In addition, Grey has worked in a variety of fields, including web development, digital design, 3D animation, and more.

    He has a following that extends beyond Africa and even to the US. He is one of the most well-known and well-recognized crypto characters in Africa.

    You've come to the correct spot if you want to learn everything there is to know about Grey Jabesi, including his biography, net worth, career, age, and country.

    After you've finished reading, don't forget to leave us a comment and spread the word on social media to your friends.


    Let’s get into it then…

    Below is the profile of Grey Jabesi

                    Grey Jabesi profile/Grey Jabesi biography


    Grey Jabesi

    Other names:

    Grey btc

    Country of origin:



    Work as a digital artist, IT entrepreneur, cryptocurrency influencer, and investor in cryptocurrencies


    27 years old

    Net worth:



    Grey Jabesi biography (Early life)

    Grey Jabesi biography (Early life)

    Grey Jabesi was born in Malawi, but at the age of 17, he traveled to South Africa to join his parents, who had already relocated there.


    Grey Jabesi career

    Grey initially desired to become a digital artist, so he taught himself design using a variety of online resources.

    He has always had a passion for technology and has worked in a variety of fields, including web development, digital design, 3D animation, and more.

    He took work in the laundry after arriving in South Africa at the age of 17, which enabled him to purchase a computer.


    He eventually learned about cryptocurrencies and had an interest in finding out how they operated and how he might make money with them.

    He is the creator of crypto university, an online college that provides a range of courses in blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

    Additionally, he is the creator of the YouTube channel Crypto hardcore, where he regularly uploads videos teaching viewers about cryptocurrency and how to make money with it.


    He also started the Grey Ave podcast, where he has conducted interviews with prominent business figures like Michael Jordan of the NBA, Brock Pierce, a blockchain billionaire, and American entrepreneur Ed Mylett.

    He serves as the blockchain association of Africa's director of marketing and is one of the continent's most well-known and well-recognized crypto personalities. His audience extends beyond Africa to the US.


    Grey Jabesi net worth

    Grey Jabesi's net worth is unknown at this time. At the age of 24, he amassed $1 million in cryptocurrency.


    Grey Jabesi social media

    You can follow Grey via the following channels:




    Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

    What is grey jabesi net worth?

    Grey Jabesi's net worth is unknown at this time. At the age of 24, he amassed $1 million in cryptocurrency.


    Which country is Grey Jabesi from?

    Grey Jabesi was born in Malawi, but at the age of 17, he traveled to South Africa to join his parents, who had already relocated there.

    I appreciate you reading about Grey Jabesi's life and career. You can leave a comment or a question in the space below if you choose.

    Don't forget to share this blog with your social media contacts and subscribe for additional information about cryptocurrencies.

    Again thank you.

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